Trends In Integrated Housing2022-07-26 10:11

Trends In Integrated Housing

1965-1990: the prototype of the Integrated House began to appear, the leading product is a single-story board house. Related products are concrete box room, metal box room, magnesite activity room, canvas tents and so on. According to its application fields and product characteristics, integrated house can be divided into assembly house and Integrated House. Mobile housing can be divided into disassembly housing and mobile housing. Demolition of housing to Beijing Chengdong International Camp Complex Housing Co. , Ltd. ‘s 9910-A4, K-type housing as a representative of a high degree of standardization.

90% of the building work has been completed in the factory, on-site installation process is very simple, house installation does not need electricity. According to the mode of transport, the Assembly of housing can be divided into prefabricated parts and prefabricated parts as a whole. Mobile housing generally adopts box-type structure system. The overall strength of the house is very good, outstanding mobility, supporting facilities. General to the scene can be put into use. At present, it is mainly used in the places where houses are frequently moved or used in bad environment, such as oil exploration. At present, its application in construction sites of first-tier cities is rapidly increasing. Integrated houses are mostly used for temporary buildings that require high comfort or meet the needs of permanent use. Its design is more flexible, pay attention to the use of comfort, generally according to customer requirements tailored to the lower degree of standardization. Because of its personalized appearance, comfort, rapid construction and other characteristics, it has been widely used in the field of tourism and vacation, the development of the field is also relatively fast. Integrated housing has been applied in the field of new rural construction in recent years, and has a bright future.

If you want to learn more about the integrated housing application, you can click here: container housing.